The 2023 ‘World Arabic Language Day’ Competition Winners

2024-01-04 11:01:09

The Arabic Teachers’ Council in London and Southern England is delighted to announce that the schools below are this year’s winners of the ‘World Arabic Language Day’ Competition!

Southwark Bahdja Academy (First Place- Primary)

The school celebrated the day with all students taking part in different creative activities and presenting fun projects.

Brian Clarke Academy (First Place- Secondary)

The school celebrated the day across different subjects such as history, geography, art, drama and music. The students learned the impact of Arabic language and culture on different aspects of our lives, now and then.

Other Winners

The schools below put a great effort in celebrating the day by sharing posters, conversations, Arab cultural facts, and fun activities.

Anglo European School

Azza Supplementary School

Taalam learning Centre

Bolton Muslim Girls school

Harris Academy Beulah Hill

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